Forensic Behaviour Analysis for Deception Detection

An investigative tool examining body language, facial expression, voice, interactive style, statements and psychophysiological behaviour

Forensic behaviour analysis examines the behaviour of people of interest.

I analyse the body language, facial expression (and micro-expressions), voice, interactive style, statements and psychophysiological behaviour of person/s of interest to provide insight into their mental state and areas of potential deception. Conclusions from the analysis help guide investigations, highlighting areas of concern and suggesting further enquiry.

Forensic behaviour analysis can uncover hidden information and emotional state by narrowing down on concealed, suppressed or masked behaviours and mismatches between words and behaviour that are barely perceptible to most people.

Reactive behavioural signals occur within seconds of an internal or external stimulus, for example, the meaning point of an investigative question or during deception. These behaviours stem from brain areas connected to emotion and survival and are, therefore, more honest and reliable as indicators of emotion and potential deception. 

Using evidence-based methodology, I analyse videos such as police interviews and CCTV footage, seeking clusters of behaviours that raise concern from six communication channels (body, face, voice, interaction style, content and psychophysiology). These clusters of behaviours can indicate deception and other areas of concern, producing investigative questions that can progress your investigations.


Send a video, images and/or statement transcripts and get behaviour analysed

  • Criminal investigations

  • Corporate investigations

  • Job applicants

  • Government investigations

  • Internal investigations

  • Media–news and entertainment

  • Personal interactions

Three Steps to the Truth

1. Send a video, images and/or statement transcripts

2. I'll run an analysis and send you a report

3. You, as the investigator, use the new specific information to conduct further lines of inquiry.


Statement and Body Language Analysis for Individuals

This service covers the examination of photographs, videos and statements for private clients. Typical requests for analysis come from individuals seeking to understand the true feelings of friends, family, partners and potential partners.

I analyse the body language, facial expression, statements, voice and other behaviours to provide insight into mental state and behaviour meaning, helping individuals to understand the people in their lives better.


Minimum Charge $250

The minimum charge covers an overview of the case and, in some cases, where minimal work is involved, the analysis and report. For example, analysis of a series of seven photographs would incur the minimum charge.

Generally, a minute of video analysis takes one hour ($250); see note below.

Please contact me about your case for an initial overview and quotation.

Sophie Zadeh, Nonverbal Communication Specialist

Video Length

Facial expressions typically last between a fraction of a second and six seconds. I focus on expressions and behaviours frame by frame during analysis to capture areas of concern and concealed or suppressed emotions.

Analysis of a one-minute video typically takes one hour or analysis. Costs can be minimised by providing specific, significant parts of a video you’re most interested in.

I can overview the whole video to see whether behaviours appear significant to the investigation at points that weren’t specified to analyse. You then have the option of a detailed analysis of the new areas of concern.

Contact me to enquire.



What can Forensic behaviour analysis determine?

Hidden information such as:

  • True emotional state

  • Discomfort

  • Likes and dislikes towards a topic, person or object

  • Subtle to extreme stress

  • Deviation from baseline behaviour

  • A mismatch between words and behaviour

  • Red flags indicating possible deception

  • New lines of investigation or questioning