Australian Security Magazine: Deception detection uncovered

Keys to Success

Part two, The Role of your Body in Eliciting Truth, of my article Deception Detection Uncovered; Truth Seeking Through Interrogation, is out now in Australian Security Magazine.

Part one, Identifying Nonverbal Cues, Clues to Dig Deeperlooked at several nonverbal cues that, when seen, alert us to a potential issue; an area in which we should dig deeper in our quest to discover the truth or true feelings. Part two, The Role of your Body in Eliciting Truthexplores the other side of the equation; how you can use your own body language, gesture and expression to facilitate truth seeking. 

When learning about nonverbal communication remember both sides; observing cues in others and your own outward expression, are equally as important in improving interactions and relationships. It's one thing to understand others, but if your own behaviours come across negatively, the interaction won't be as successful as it could be. And vice versa.

Which part do you most enjoy learning about, reading others or focusing on your own behaviour? 

Sophie Zadeh

Nonverbal Communication Specialist, Sophie Zadeh empowers people to take communication to the next level–unlocking the secrets of the body and voice. With her unique and extensive expertise in non-verbal communication, together with her captivating delivery method, Sophie inspires her audience to experience, first hand, the immediate and positive impact of body language and vocal power–providing valuable insights every person can apply to their personal and professional life.

Sophie is incredibly passionate about her topic and what she enjoys most, is watching her audience let down their guard, open up and become excited about it too. Her mission is to enrich their lives and create positive outcomes.

When she’s not at work, people watching or trying to solve a murder, Sophie will be saving the planet, being creative or cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

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