Midland, Subiaco & Myaree


Confident Kids is a series of classes, to equip children with powerful life skills. We help them to build confidence, resilience, positive emotion and self-presentation skills, helping them to develop into healthy, emotionally intelligent teens/adults.

7 - 15 yrs

Got Questions? Call Sophie 0477 182 555

Places are limited

Midland Junction Arts Centre Centre
276 Great Eastern Highway, Midland, WA 6056

Jessie's Cafe & Roasting Co.
2/8 Hayden Ct, Myaree WA 6154

Multicultural Language Centre
296A Hay St, Subiaco WA 6008

We’re an NDIS Unregistered Provider, this means you may be able to use some of our services if you are on a Plan Managed or Self Managed plan. Providing our services fit in with your NDIS plan goals. Click the image to learn more.

We’re an NDIS Unregistered Provider, this means you may be able to use some of our services if you are on a Plan Managed or Self Managed plan. Providing our services fit in with your NDIS plan goals. Click the image to learn more.



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No courses are currently scheduled. Check back soon!


My kids have just finished a course in Confidence building with Sophie.

They had a great time exploring emotions, meditation, coping skills, healthy eating, speech training and reading body language.

To say the kids only learnt life skills is an understatement, I was able to watch and learn as well, giving me the tools as a parent to keep the skills developing at home. Highly recommend
— Maureen Vallve


Participants learn about, practise and develop:

  • Emotional wellbeing techniques

    • Mindfulness

    • Emotions–understanding and managing core emotions

    • Meditation

    • Abdominal Breathing

    • Gratitude

  • Self-empowerment techniques

    • Body-brain feedback loop–triggering positive emotion and inner feelings of confidence, through body and voice

    • Preventing and managing negative emotion like fear and anger–resetting the calm state

  • Nonverbal behaviour

    • Vocal power

    • Body language basics

    • First impressions

  • The art of conversation

Confident Kids Course with Sophie Zadeh

Sophie Zadeh

Based in Perth, Sophie works with leaders in government and industry giants, including Woodside, Rio Tinto and Alcoa. She has featured across news and media platforms, including ABC radio, The West Australian, The CEO Magazine, Seven News Media and Foxtel Networks.

Sophie has coached public speakers and TEDx presenters to convey their message with impact. She has worked with TED-ED to create a lesson about emotional expression–Are There Universal Expressions of Emotion?

Recently, Sophie's blog ranked in the top five body language blogs on the web.



The beginner’s course sets the foundations, teaching simple concepts grounded in science. In subsequent intermediate and advanced courses, we’ll build on and add concepts, with activities and exercises designed to develop attendees further.

The course is suitable for children who are introverted, shy, or those with anxiety, issues with confidence, etc. We provide an environment where they feel safe to learn and develop these life-changing skills.

In each session, as well as teaching the main topic, we practise short exercises in mindfulness, meditation and abdominal breathing, so that participants get accustomed to using these life-changing techniques.

Participants will be able to attend future courses, where they build on what they have learned, to enable them to further grow in confidence and develop into mature and well-rounded young adults.

Simply.. thankyou Sophie ! My daughter did the children’s confidence course followed by the public speaking course. Both worked on building her confidence which shows in my daughters life now. She became more confident in going to Tafe and is now working and is contributing to her work place with confidence.
Thanks a million Sophie. I have recommended you to others :)
— Parent



Please scroll through the terms and conditions before enroling. 

By enroling yourself or participants in a workshop/class/course, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

1. Participants are expected to behave and be nice to one another. Disruptive behaviours and bullying will not be tolerated. Sophie Zadeh reserves the right to terminate enrolment if unacceptable behaviour is not resolved.

2. Parents and carers are required to drop off and collect participants from the classroom.

3. Parents and carers are required to arrive on time to collect participants. Please call/message Sophie 0477 182 555, if running late.

4. Parents or carers must be contactable during the session, in case of an emergency.

5. Participants must be able to take themselves to the toilet and use it without the need for assistance or must bring a parent/carer to assist.

6. Participants are required to bring a water bottle with a closable lid.

7. Participants with additional needs are welcome to attend with a parent or carer. Some of our venues have access limitations, please contact us, before you enrol.

8. Sophie Zadeh must be notified if participants have any existing medical or behavioural conditions and allergies. In some cases, it may be necessary for parents or carers to attend the session.

9. In the event of an emergency or perceived emergency, costs incurred for calling an ambulance for a participant are to be payable by their parent or carer.

10. Participants are occasionally photographed for promotional purposes. On enrolment, we’ll give you the option of participants being included/excluded from photographs.

11. Sophie Zadeh will offer a refund or transfer if a course is cancelled due to insufficient numbers.

12. Payment for classes and courses must be paid in advance of attending. If payment has not been received prior to the class/course start, attendees will not be permitted to join the class/course.