Forensic Deception Detection Training

HR | Law Enforcement | Government and Corporate Investigations Departments | Security Professionals | Managers | Salespeople | Parents | Healthcare Workers | Counsellors | Teachers | Inquisitive Minds


Nonverbal Communication Training for Lie Detection

Training that Works for you

We contextualise training to suit you, your organisation or event, whether it's for you as an individual, law enforcement or a gathering of curious minds. Offering in-depth training for professionals, through to a short overview presentation to satiate the curious.


Dispelling the Body Language Myths around Lie Detection

When it comes to body language and detecting lies, many people associate nose touching, ear pulling, eye contact and eye direction with lying. The truth is, these are widespread myths.

While most people think they are good at spotting deception, studies show the majority of people are only 54% accurate in detecting a lie–including law enforcement professionals.


Lie Detection

What you’ll Learn

You'll learn about microexpressions and nonverbal communication cues that point towards deception and reveal hidden emotion. We'll expose the behaviours that are the most reliable and telling. Those that say one thing, when words say another and those that convey a specific meaning, such as, "I got away with that".

You’ll have the opportunity to practice and test your new knowledge, learning how to observe–a skill in itself.

You'll gain the power to detect red flags of deception, centred around specific points, empowering you to dig deeper into the right areas or change your line of inquiry to seek more evidence.

You’ll also gain insight into body language and expressions that indicate dislike, discomfort and distress, helping you to identify vulnerable or at-risk individuals and better support the people you interact with or lead.

You’ll gain a good understanding of people, observing their true emotional state, in real time–ultimately honing your emotional intelligence. 

Ready to shed some light on deception? 

If you are lucky enough to be trained by Sophie like I was, you’re in for a real treat. An expert in her field, an insightful and inspiring trainer, with a genuine desire to help her clients reach their goals.

Sophie always comes prepared, does extensive research before each training, and tailors each presentation to the client’s needs.

Sophie has delivered two programs, the first on deception detection for school leaders aimed at improving their investigation techniques, the second focusing on the use of body language to enhance success for women in leadership.

Participant feedback from both programs was overwhelmingly positive, both in terms of the evidence and research based content and Sophie’s high quality, engaging and authentic presentation skills.