Body Language & Communication Blog

Ranked in the top 4 body language blogs on the web since 2020.

Our work is based on scientific theories relating to nonverbal behaviour and statement analysis, yet remains the opinion of the author.

Yahoo News: Body language expert reveals pivotal moment in Sarah Ristevski's 60 Minutes Interview

In her 60 Minutes interview, Sarah Ristevski’s body language and nonverbal behaviour revealed her true emotions and why she still stands by her father Borce Ristevski, despite him pleading guilty to killing his wife Karen Ristevski, Sarah’s mother.

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Tourette Syndrome: My involuntary nonverbal response to a sudden verbal tic

Why do we judge people from the moment we see them? And when we feel threatened by them, what happens during our body’s emergency response to fear. Read about my involuntary nonverbal behaviours when I encountered a guy with Tourette Syndrome. Both our bodies reacting to a stimulus.

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Expressions, Emotion, Self Improvement Sophie Zadeh Expressions, Emotion, Self Improvement Sophie Zadeh

Emotion Spotting: Expressions and microexpressions

Are you missing an important channel of communication?

Most of us listen to spoken words as we interact with others, but not many people pay conscious attention to what remains unspoken. Words can, and do, convey lots of complex thoughts, theories and feelings, but they are usually filtered and adapted to create a certain impression, giving you, the listener, the 'intended' message. There are lots of reasons for this– to be more amicable, to maintain relationships, to deceive, to conceal emotions, to make others feel better– to name a few. So it's not all bad. Imagine if everybody spoke their thoughts– Ouch! In many situations, however, you could benefit from knowing more and having a good understanding of how the person you interact with really feels, whether it's potential deception in a negotiation or marriage, or when you just want a family member to be more open with you.

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Keynote speaker, Charlie Caruso, flutters her eyelids, yet nobody bats an eyelid.

While analysing the footage, I noticed a very interesting nonverbal signal from Charlie. As she was being introduced to the audience, and in response to the host's remarks, Charlie did an eyelid flutter. While this may sound trivial, observing an eyelid flutter can be very telling, as to how somebody is feeling about a topic. For people in business, especially those of you that lead, pitch or negotiate, the ability to read such nonverbal cues, can elevate your success to the next level. Cues like this are involuntary and indicate some kind of concern in response to a stimulus, in this case, the host's words. The nonverbal response, immediately follows the stimulus. Reading these cues gives the observer the ability to detect an issue and, more importantly, respond appropriately by working to resolve the issue.

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